



1)剧情 plot

the plot of the story 故事情节

The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived. 故事情节的构思相当巧妙。

The apparent simplicity of his plot is deceptive. 他的故事情节貌似简单,其实不然。

The plot is good but the characterization lets me down. 故事情节不错,但是人物塑造却令人失望。

I can not say the plot of the story is so very intriguing. 这说不上这故事情节有多大吸引力。

The scriptwriter of this detective movie has designed a good plot. 这部侦探电影的编剧设计了一个很好的情节。

The plot is painfully cute. 剧情编得极不自然。

The plot is quite simple, the theme is great though. 剧情相当简单,但主题意义重大。


2)演员 actor/actress

This actor rants his lines. 这演员背台词拿腔拿调。

That actor screens well.那个演员很适合拍电影。

The actor be really ham it up to amuse the audience. 这些演员为博观众一粲, 表演得实在太过火了。

A, first-rate script, second-rate actor, third-rate performance 一流的剧本,二流的演员,三流的表演

He is a very talented actor. 他是一个很有天赋的演员。

His performance of this character is top-notch. 他扮演的这个角色表演特别出色。

He's a terrible ham. 他的表演糟透了。


3)场景 scenes

scenes that exemplify the film director's style. 体现了影片导演风格的场景

Do you remember the heart-rending scene in the film where the hero says his final farewells to his dying wife? 你还记得那部电影中主人公向他临终的妻子诀别的那个令人心碎的镜头吗?

What bewitchingly beautiful scenes! 多么迷人的场景啊!

These details make the scenes of this movie realistic. 这些细节使得这部电影的场景十分逼真。

The scene of this play is set in Ireland. 这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。


4)台词 lines

The actress speaks out her part in a ringing voice. 女演员把台词念得清晰嘹亮。

His lines isn't more than three sides. 他的台词不超过三页。

The actor's witty ad libs flavoured the whole performance. 那演员即兴插入的诙谐台词给整个演出增添了风趣。

In the movie Jerry Maguire, starring Tom Cruise, there are many great lines. 在巨星汤姆•克鲁斯主演的电影《杰里•马圭尔》中,有许多非常好的台词。

They were like two performers in a play, but they were divided, they were not acting with one another. 他们像一台戏中的两个角色,不过是各念各的台词,谈不上配合默契。

"You jump, I jump." is a tagline from this movie, "Titanic". “你跳,我就跳。(生死与共)”是电影《泰坦尼克号》的标志性台词。

(来源:沪江英语  作者:碳包)



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